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Racials and Trinkets Off the Gcd Again Soon

Elemental Shaman PVP Guide 3.3.v

Some credentials; I've been playing an Elemental Shaman as my chief for 2 years, reached 2k rating in 2s and 1800 in 3s, I'm non challenge to have unreal skills merely more enough to teach someone new the ropes.

Then why an Elemental Shaman?
Elemental Shamans are THE highest bursting grade in the game, catamenia. Naught hits equally hard and fast as we practice, and everybody knows information technology. The sheer sight of an Elemental Shaman makes everyone panic. On tiptop of this you take amazing utility and support to ensure you and your team tin put the injure on your enemies. Still not motivated? Check this out http://world wide
Orc - Passive Stun reduction is ever nice, and Blood Fury gives a temporary boost to spell damage which can hateful the difference in scoring a kill.
Troll - Passive snare reduction is ok, less useful since you accept Ghost Wolf, only Berserking is fantastic.
Tauren - Increased HP ways dying slower, and Warstomp is a gamebreaker when used correctly (Warstomp + Hex).

Drainei - Unfortunately the only Alliance race available to Shamans, free ane% hitting frees upwardly space for more than offensive stats. Gift of the Naaru heal is also decent in a compression.
Whatsoever race is viable, I play Tauren for the stun.Talents/Glyphs/Important Spells
Spec: 5 floater points, distritube how yous want betwixt Elemental Precision and Thundering Strikes, depending on whether or not yous need Hit.Glyphs:
Major -
Glyph of Lava
Glyph of Thunder
Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem
These are mandatory. Lava increases the benefit from Spell Power of your Lava Burst by 10%, main bursting spell, very important. Thunder reduces the cooldown of Thunderstorm past 10 sec. One time you learn the versatility of Thunderstorm y'all will sympathize why this glyph is mandatory. Stoneclaw Totem places a shield on you equal to 4x the shield it puts on your totems. Shamans don't take many defensive cooldowns, so this works wonders. Drop it right before you get bursted. Minor glyphs practise not matter.Important Spells and how to utilise them:
Grounding Totem - This little guy seperates skilled Shamans from bad ones. It absorbs the next spell cast at you or anyone in your party, and it'south on an xi.five sec CD. I can't stress how vital this is to you and perhaps your team's survival. Learning when to utilize it is primal. A Mage simply froze you? Drop Grounding and watch every bit his Deep Freeze goes to waste. Large nasty Chaos Bolt nearly to swallow your face? Ground that ****! The uses for this are infinite, whether to block burst or CC on yous or your team. If yous've e'er played a Warrior you lot will option up on Grounding Totem quickly, its similar to Spell Reverberate. When you REALLY get the hang of information technology, you tin can exercise amazing things similar ground Decease Whorl etc, and get the flaming ninja all other flaming ninjas talk about in hushed whispers.Thunderstorm - Shamans are one of 3 classes with a knockback event (and the nearly viable one for arenas imo). Thunderstorm is an interrupt, a kiting tool, a positioning tool, troll skill and mana regen all wrapped upwards into i nifty little power, and information technology can exist used while stunned! Try using it to interrupt important spells if you're close enough, and on maps like Nagrand and Dalaran Sewers, you can totally change the game by knocking someone down and getting improved positioning on your opponent. Use it in response to gap closers (Charge/Shadowstep/Decease Grip) or to troll someone and knock them off Eye of the Tempest Current of air Shear - I of a Shaman's defining abilities, it interrupts an enemy spellcast and locks that schoolhouse for 2 sec, and its on a 6 sec CD. 2 sec may non audio like much, merely by the time the interrupt is over, Current of air Shear is usable again in four sec. That means casters only have a iv 2nd window to assail, and healers to heal. Consistently landing Wind Shears is incredibly of import, acquire to sentry for fake casting, endeavor to interrupt the spell when its nearing the end of its cast. More often than not in arenas, you will have a focus Wind Shear macro for the healer. Use this to eat Warrior's Spell Reflect. You've not mastered Wind Shear until you tin can interrupt Mass Dispels in 3s (hysterical when yous exercise xD)Purge - Dispels ii beneficial magic effects from an enemy. Dispelling is essential, and is i of the main attractions to a Shaman. Fully dispelling buffs from the kill target makes it so much easier to land a kill, dispelling defensive abilities like Hand of Liberty, Barkskin, Power Word: Shield, Sacred Shield etc. Dispel that Druid's Innervate and watch him oom. Dispel offensive CDs like Icy Veins, Bloodlust, Wings ANYTHING! Any magic related buffs are subject to Purge. Don't charge in guns blazing and commencement blowing CDs, dispel all those airheaded buffs/shields and then start damaging, you'll be surprised how much of a divergence it tin can make. ALWAYS PURGE! ALWAYS!Tremor Totem - Removes any Fear, Sleep, or Charm effect from all nearby political party member every 3 sec, no cooldown. Yes, no cooldown. When facing a squad with whatsoever of those CC abilities, its crucial that y'all keep Tremor upward 100% of the time, something I'm admittedly bad about doing :3 Having your team get caught in a Howl of Terror/Psychic Scream is bad news, and this will preclude that from happening. Try to position it backside something and near your healer, if it gets destroyed or replaced, identify it again. Very skilled players will Fear you and then destroy your totem, and then don't sit on acme of it, it has a decent range.Earthbind Totem - Roots all enemies in its range for v sec when cast, and continues to tiresome them while information technology lasts. Use it to kite, sometimes multiple opponents, or to root someone behind LoS in arenas. If you play with an Affliction Warlock this root is invaluable, since it peels and cannot exist dispelled due to Unstable Illness.Cleansing Totem - Your best friend when facing DKs, Rogues, Shadow Priests and Ferals (yeah, Infected Wounds is a illness). It pulses every three sec, and removes ane Affliction/Poison effect from all party members every pulse. When facing the classes higher up, this can really turn the tables. Dispelling DKs diseases before he gets Unholy Blight up really screws them upwardly, making them waste runes on reapplying, eliminating Rogues poisons is ESSENTIAL, that ways no slow, no 50% heal reduction, and no impairment if they're Animalize spec. Getting rid of Devouring Plague (also a disease) and using your 1337 skills to stop Vampiric Touch on means you're only going to go damaged by Shadow Discussion: Pain. Taking away a Feral'south only slow helps a ton when facing them besides.Hex - Your only direct CC ability, turns the target into a frog for ten sec, they can move but cannot set on or cast spells. Whats overnice most Hex is that its classified as a curse, so unless I'm mistaken, but Resto Shamans, Druids, and Mages can remove information technology. Utilise it after you've gotten somebody to trinket or to heal in a 1v1 situation.Elemental Mastery - Makes your next Lava Burst, Chain Lightning, or Lightning Bolt instant cast and increases your haste by 15% for xv sec subsequently. Your burst CD, macro information technology with on-use trinkets for maximum effect. The burst "rotation" is Flame Shock>Lava Flare-up>Instant Lightning Bolt>Chain Lightning>Frost Shock>spam cast. This is a LOT of harm output. Besides useful as a finishing blow type motion.Bloodlust/Heroism- The single greatest cooldown ever. Increases attack and casting speed of all party members by 30% for a whopping 40 sec. Bloodlust volition win you the game more than you can ever imagine. Use it when going for the kill, making your damage and CC spells lightning fast. Exist wary as it is hands dispelled, so brand certain to keep upward trash buffs.Gear/Enchants/Gems/Stat Priority
Hitting - Increases your hazard to hitting your target. Cap is 4% or 6% if you take into account racials. This is your almost of import stat until its capped.Haste - Decreases the cast fourth dimension of your spells and as well decreases your global cooldown. Unfortunately nosotros don't have access to haste offsets, and so getting this is a bit tougher for Ele Shamans. 500 is the benchmark, bringing Lava Outburst to ~1.three sec cast or 1 sec with Bloodlust. Information technology'due south an amazing stat, you'll want to get it asap.Spell Penetration - Decreases your opponents resistance to magic past ane per point of Spell Pen. 130 is the cap, and you want to achieve it for 1 reason: Purge. It scales with Spell Pen, meaning it won't get resisted and you will always get ii buffs from your opponent opposed to ane if yous're not capped.Spell Power - Increases the damage of your spells, duh. Elemental Shaman's base damage is already quite loftier, so yous don't need to stack this to achieve good damage, simply it's definitely something you will want a healthy corporeality of.

I will provide ii different weightings depending on where you are regarding Haste

<500 Haste -

Striking until 4%(6% with racials)>Spell Penetration until cap>Haste>Spellpower

>500 Haste - Hit until 4%(6% with racials)>Spell Penetration until cap>Spellpower>Haste

The reason for this being that if you're far above 500 haste, it diminishes the value of things like Bloodlust/Heroism, Berserking, and other haste buffs you have. 500 is your "static" haste, it gets passively increased by things such as Wrath of Air Totem (which is always present) Bizuri's Totem Effect (which is always nowadays). Too much Haste results in spells being under the GCD, which doesn't benefit you whatsoever. Detect the rest between speed and power, yous don't want also much of one and not plenty of the other.

Meta Gem: Chaotic Skyflare Diamond
4x Stormy Purple Zircon
The rest is preference, I stack full Haste in the rest of my sockets, but if you must match your sockets, SP/Haste for red and Stam/Haste for the remaining blueish.


Unlike almost casters, Elemental Shamans stick to 99% PVP gear, due to having few defensive abilities, and yous volition be focused very often in arenas/BGs.

v/five Wrathful Gladiator'south Mail Ready + Wrathful Gladiator'due south Bract of Alertness/Celerity and Wrathful Gladiator's Barrier for weapons. Bizuri's Totem of Shattered Ice is by far the best relic, get information technology.

Full Wrathful offsets (you tin try to mix in a couple PVE pieces hither for additional Haste if you're experienced) + Ashen Band of Countless Destruction

Medallion of the Horde/Brotherhood + Charred Twilight Calibration for trinkets (any Haste trinket volition do if this is not available to you) OR Corroded Skeleton Key for a more defensive setup.

Never drop beneath 1200 resil, and going that depression is a bit risky. You are going to get focused a lot, and all the PVE gear giving you lot 1337 harm isn't going to assist y'all survive getting 2v1 while your healer is CC'd. I personally run with a bit over 1300.

Head - Arcanum of Dominance
Shoulder - Inscription of Dominance
Back - Spell Piercing
Chest - Resilience
Wrist - Spell Ability
Easily - Spell Power
Legs - Earthen Leg Armor if low on resil, else Sapphire Spellthread
Anxiety - Icewalker
Weapon - Spell Ability
Shield - ResilienceMacros
Wind Shear:
/cast Wind Shear <stops whatever you're casting and wind shears your target

Focus Wind Shear:
/bandage [target=focus] Wind Shear <can supercede wind shear with hex for focus hex

Wind Shear + Purge
/cast Current of air Shear
/bandage Purge <Purges the target you Wind Shear. DO NOT USE THIS As Just WIND SHEAR, this macro is situational and its up to y'all whether to make up one's mind to Air current Shear or Current of air Shear + Purge., as there are scenarios for both.

Outburst Macro:
/utilise [your trinket here without brackets]
/cast Elemental Mastery < pops a trinket and elemental mastery

General Tips

-Keybind, keybind, keybind. Keybinds pb to success. Any spell you employ, keybind information technology. Grounding Totem, Earthbind Totem, Stoneclaw Totem, and Tremor Totem should all have individual keybinds, exercise Not just identify them in Call of the Elements and drop them all together, they are situational. Keybinds are personal in that location is no correct or wrong way to do information technology. A nice tip is to use Q + E or A + D to strafe and learn to move with your mouse. Keyboard turners are but as bad as clickers! Unbind your S key and put a skill on it so you don't back pedal. Stick to buttons that are comfortable to press and not too far abroad.

-You must manage your totems well to be successful. If you go kited to the other side of the map, driblet your totems again, brand sure you are ever within range of them, they give you lot 280 Spellpower, iii% crit, 5% haste, and a agglomeration of other useful things. Practise NOT forget almost them.

-Remember that if your Flame Shock is dispelled, yous go thirty% haste for half-dozen sec (equivalent to Bloodlust). You must spotter for this and so you don't waste product Lava Burst. Too, I see a lot of Shamans simply sit there later on you dispel Flame Shock, waiting to recast information technology and use Lava Burst. You take 30% haste, Use IT! Spam Lightning Bolts, you'll still practise decent dps and by the fourth dimension the buff is over, Flame Shock is back up.

-When you are silenced, feared, or stunned, you take 30% less damage (Astral Shift). If you lot are getting focused, sometimes its better to sit in the CC for the harm reduction. Don't panic and trinket HoJ considering yous're getting Bladestormed, you're already gonna get hit by it regardless, at least reduce the damage you're taking. Salve your trinket when you're going for the kill and you go CC'd.

-Make sure to refresh Water Shield often, a Shaman with no mana is just every bit useful as a Shaman with no health.

-Yous cannot be slowed below 100% movement speed while in Ghost Wolf Form. Use this and Frost Shock to kite anything.

-Rule of pollex; if it has a CD, Ground it. If it doesn't, Current of air Shear it. If you Air current Shear something like Heed Blast, he tin can use it when the interrupt is over, however, if y'all Ground it, it will continue CD.

-Practise not use Chain Lightning if there is an enemy nearby who is under the effects of a damage sensitive CC (Sap/Poly/Blind etc), the aoe harm will break the CC.

My Addons

Gladius - Essential for Loonshit. Specialized Unit Frames to runway things like CD usage, CC timer, cast bars and more.

LoseControl - Timer for CC durations, very helpful in PVP.

MikScrollingBattleText - Highly customizable battle text to display annihilation you lot need to keep track of.

MoveAnything - Uncomplicated, lightweight addon to let movement of all Unit Frames.

OmniCC - Numeric displays of fourth dimension left on your ain CDs, very helpful when you need to pop something the second its fix.

PowerAuras - Aura displays for annihilation, infinite customization, useful for annihilation PVP related. A must have.

PreformAV Enabler 2.five - If you lot want to exercise premade BG's (I about can't BG without a premade now xD)

Quartz - Cast bar modifier as well as timers for DoTs and CC's on enemy (useful for tracking Shock durations)

SpellAlerter - Developed right here on Molten, this addon gives vocal cues for enemy CD usage. Go it. Its too good. Kudos to Trolololol for this.

TidyPlates - Nameplate addon to replace default nameplates, as well as picture display durations with numeric timers of buffs/debuffs on target.


Elemental performs the all-time in 3s/5s, only don't be shy well-nigh 2s.

2v2 Elemental Shaman/Destruction Warlock Can you say outburst? Shamans have the most synergy with casters, and Destro Locks are Ele Shams long lost cousins. The idea is simple; catch the healer in a CC chain and accident upwards the dps. Y'all have Hex, Fright, Wind Shear, Death Roll, Shadowfury and Seduce/Spell Lock to achieve this. You volition by and large open by dispelling the kill target (as you should already know) and waiting on your Lock to CC to begin bursting. Betwixt Conflag/Chaos Bolt/Lava Burst, the other team isn't going to have a good time. In one case you get the healer'south trinket and the dps has diddled some defensive CDs, get into position, Lust, CC healer and begin bursting. Apply Thunderstorm to knock them into the open up if they endeavor to LoS during Lust and don't exist afraid to heal your Lock if hes in bad shape. Keep in mind the Felhunter can dispel things like Poly/HoJ/Silence etc from your partner AND you, he should take a self and partner dispel macro. I have personally played this comp to 2k. Elemental Shaman/Balance Druid Best troll comp. Nothing beats globaling somebody earlier they knew what happened. On top of having 2 knockbacks (umad melee?) you lot both accept the best heals for a dps class. Have the druid start in stealth and Pounce>Cyclone the healer and pop Starfall and beging bursting. The healer will be forced to trinket and y'all will more probable get some CDs out of it as well. After this huge opener, play defensively until Starfall is up again, or if a kill opportunity arises via Hexing the healer. Yous both must aid heal whoever is existence focused, every bit this is where the strength of this comp lies. More of a fun comp than something intended for high level play, only viable nonetheless.Elemental Shaman/Shadow Priest
Similar to the Warlock comp, a Shadow Priest brings squeamish offheals and buffs (useful dispel forage for protecting Bloodlust), on height of good CC and impairment. A Shadow Priest with Bloodlust is horrifying. Beginning by dispelling (with both of you doing it it shouldn't have more than ii global cooldowns) and brainstorm bursting. Chain Psychic Scream and Hex on the healer, follow upwards with Silence and a Wind Shear and gg. Recollect Shadow Priests can Mass Dispel Ice Cake and Divine Shield.Elemental Shaman/Burn Mage - Can be VERY fun and effective if the Mage is skilled. Fire Mages <3 Ele Shamans (Elemental Oath + Totem of Wrath + Focus Magic = xi% crit for the Mage ;D). Your biggest problem is dispellers, yous must CC the healer very well to make this comp work. Hex impale target early and dispel him and perchance fifty-fifty get a trinket, Poly healer and go balls out on the DPS. Use your knockbacks and freezes to kite melee, and focus Wind Shear/focus Counterspell, Poly and Dragon'south Breath on the healer. You must exist aggressive in this comp to be successful since Fire Mages don't do well with longevity. Anything with an Unholy DK beats y'all.Elemental Shaman/Subtlety Rogue - As with any Rogue/DPS comp, its all almost the opener. Rogue will Sap healer (lookout for Pally'south Divine Cede, the shared damage volition break Sap!) and open on the DPS. Get off as much flare-up as possible during the stunlock, after Sap Rogue Blinds healer. This forces trinket/bubble. Play defensively until the enemies' CDs are over and have the Rogue restealth. Reopen on either A) DPS if he blew defensive CD's and the Shaman can CC the healer or B) Healer if Shaman can stop DPS. DPS should be dead at this indicate, if not Rogue Vanish + Sap. Heal your Rogue if hes taking too much damage and your Rogue must be able to peel you. If Rogue is skilled, he will have Shadowstep + Boot macro, this coupled with Wind Shear in between CCs is devastating. 3v3 50 Southward D/50 S P (Disease or Destruction Warlock/ Elemental Shaman/ Restoration Druid or Lock/Shaman/Holy Paladin)
Both have a similar playstyle, and either spec of Warlock works very well hither, I prefer Affliction so I'll be talking about that. The Warlock must keep constant pressure level on all three targets with his DoTs while you rotate bursting/CCing. The Druid/Pally must assist with Cyclones/HoJ when able. While the Locks DoTs slowly eat everyone away, yous will exist pounding someone'due south confront so that the healer MUST focus on healing him, leaving him and the 2d dps to rot from DoTs. Once yous see someone at <50% HP brand a switch to him and CC the healer. Save Lust for when the healer is in a full Fear/Hex and ONLY if you lot've gotten the dps to blow some defensive CDs. The strength here is the insane switches you can pull off and the corporeality of CC yous're capable of (Hex/Fear/Cyclone or HoJ/Air current Shear/Howl/Death Roll/Spell Lock). Cyclone also prevents heals, so y'all can Cyclone a target that's nearly dead while you CC the healer, and so finish him off once Cyclone is over. The only difference between the Resto Druid variant and the Holy Pally variant is more CC vs self dispels. Thunder cleave (Elemental Shaman/Artillery Warrior/Holy Paladin)
Non a complicated comp to play, effort to catch healer in a total HoJ/Hex, Warrior must keep Mortal Strike upward on kill target and peel if necessary, although Shamans and Paladins are amazing at kiting. Pally can Hand of Protection you lot vs melee cleaves and you can still cast while in it. Must exist able to play defensively if y'all're getting bursted, specially the Shaman since yous are the kill target nine/x times. I nice thing about this comp is a very strong reset, if the enemy teams blows everything in the beginning, tank information technology out, you have the resources. Lust + Bladestorm to end it when you see an opportunity.S H P (Elemental Shaman/Marksmanship Hunter/Discipline Priest)

Combining silences/interrupts, l% healing debuff, and mean burst into one package. CC the healer via ScatterTrap/Hex/Psychic Scream. Dispel the kill target and beginning bursting him, Priest must exist practiced with dispels on you and the Hunter, its your chore to Purge the kill target. The Hunter controls the fight, whoever he has Aimed Shot upwards on is who you should be going for, y'all can potentially get a kill in 1 Silencing Shot/Wind Shear chain. Hunter should take a Master'southward Call macro for the Priest in case hes getting focused hard, assist in peeling with Earthbind/Thunderstorm. Using Frost Trap by a pillar tin can be gamebreaking, allowing your Priest to LoS or preventing the kill target from LoSing. Mass Dispel prevents resets, and the Priest can assist in impairment if spec'd for information technology. Needs some coordination to be successful.

Loonshit section to exist continued...

Destruction Warlock - The second hardest class for an Elemental Shaman to beat. They exercise nearly as much impairment as yous with 3x the CC. The central is to go on Tremor up 100% and stop Conflagrate and Chaos Bolt. Keeping Tremor upwardly removes 1 of his CCs, which is vital. You must have something to LoS him and heal behind. He will probably open with Expletive of Elements followed shortly by Shadowfury stun. Endeavor to go in close so you can interrupt with Thunderstorm during the stun. If he gets off Immolate early, drib Grounding the second he puts it on you, because Conflagrate is on its style. If he doesn't autumn for the Grounding, drib Stoneclaw to eat up the Conflagrate. He at present has Backdraft and is going to attempt to nuke y'all. Put upward Flame Shock, and if his Felhunter dispels it, use the cast fourth dimension buff for a quick Hex, Purge Backdraft and reapply Flame Shock. Get-go casting Lava Flare-up, if he is bad he volition waste Spell Lock on it, which leaves y'all with your Nature school to heal, Wind Shear and all that practiced stuff. LoS and heal if necessary. If you can stop Conflagrate and Chaos Bolt the Lock is washed. Think to fake cast Spell Lock, a 6 sec interrupt on your Nature school means a loss. Claiming nine/tenAffliction Warlock - THE HARDEST CLASS FOR Y'all. They are virtually impossible to beat if they know what they're doing. TREMOR MUST BE UP ALL THE TIME! Eating a full Fear and getting loaded upwardly with DoTs is bad. Equally with Destruction you must have something to LoS and heal behind, although its much less constructive against Affliction. Yous want to be very aggressive, as Affliction is a much slower playstyle than Elemental. Each 2nd that goes by tips the scales in the Warlocks favor. Your primary concern volition be Wind Shearing Unstable Affliction and Ground Haunt, so it goes on CD and he doesn't become its massive heal. If you see him running toward you, hes going to use Howl of Terror and kill your Tremor. Thunderstorm or Earthbind to gain some distance. Chuck a Lava Flare-up in his face and fake Spell Lock. Once Spell Lock is out of the way, burst hard, he will more than likely teleport behind something. Use this opportunity to heal. Basically you lot will flare-up between Spell Locks while trying to prevent Unstable Affliction and Haunt as much as possible, all while keeping Tremor up and healing yourself. Sounds easy huh? Challenge x/tenArms Warrior - Piece of cake to crush if y'all're clever enough. The trick is to Non Earthbind root them constantly and trigger 2nd Wind. They will open up with Charge (SHOCKER), Frost Shock and Ghost Wolf abroad. They will now Intercept, Thunderstorm it and apply Flame Stupor. Imitation Lava Burst until they pop Spell Reflect, Current of air Shear information technology and brainstorm bursting. Rotate Frost/Flame Shock depending on if you're kiting or bursting. Hex early on when you're at about iii/4 hp to strength a trinket or heal up, that way if y'all on the ropes later in the duel you tin go a full Hex before his trinkets back upward and tin heal to full. DO Non ****ING TRY TO RUN FROM BLADESTORM, if they're already on you when they start it, yous're gonna accept to take it. Drop Stoneclaw and start spamming heals (watch when Bladestorm is over so you lot don't get interrupted). Once it is over you tin root them at this point and heal to full. Echo the above steps until victory. Challenge 4/10Shadow Priest - The 3rd hardest grade to beat. Your goal is to stop Vampiric Touch at all costs. Keep Cleansing Totem up, well-nigh people don't realize Devouring Plague is a disease, and dispelling it hurts the priest's damage a lot, besides keep Tremor up, it's essential. Start Purging, after he puts up his instant bandage DoTs, he volition effort to put upwards VT or CC you and attempt to put up VT. If he's ballsy enough to cast while you have Wind Shear up, lookout for fakes and attempt to Air current Shear it. Drop Grounding after his instants are on y'all, if y'all're lucky y'all could eat his silence/disarm. If he gets yous with either, drop Stoneclaw asap. Try to out range his fear with Earthbind, and interrupt VT with Thunderstorm. If he got VT on you, by this point you lot're probably 50%ish hp, los or Thunderstorm him away to heal. After the opener and once y'all're healed, employ Flame Shock and proceed Purging his shield. If he dispels Flame Shock spam Lightning Bolt, but you demand to pressure him into Dispersion and non let his instant heals meridian him off. Purge him during Dispersion and heal yourself and burst hard when its over. If you've made it this far keep Tremor and Cleansing upwards, Purge, and keep VT off you and the residuum is common sense. Challenge 8/10Marksmanship Hunter - Tough if they're exceptional, you volition more than than likely start out at a range. Make sure Cleansing is up (Serpent Sting is a toxicant) drop Stoneclaw, employ Frost Shock, Ghost Wolf and start running toward the Hunter. If he Scatter>Traps, trinket and close the gap. One time you're on him he tin't shoot you, Flame Shock and begin Lava Flare-up. He will Undo + Silence Shot, or he will Deterrence. Keep on him if he disengages, heal if he Deterrences at any betoken in the fight. Once Silence Shot is upwardly you're gilt, Earthbind, pop Elemental Mastery and burst as hard equally possible. You can accept a decent clamper of his hp before he can Deterrence. Employ Thunderstorm/Burn Nova to kill snakes. Proceed training him as if you were a melee so he can't shoot you lot and flare-up when y'all're on him, heal if he uses Deterrence. Challenge 7/10Retribution Paladin/Protection Paladin - Probably the easiest class for u.s.a., both are shell in the same manner. Kickoff off by Frost Shock and Purging, get all his buffs (this includes Hand of Freedom!) and go along kiting. If he gets medium distance to you drop Grounding, it volition eat his Hammer of Justice/Repentence or at the worst Exorcism. Don't trinket HoJ unless he pops Wings, and Purge it immediately when he does. Thunderstorm him if he gets too close, keep him Purged and heal up when necessary and its not a hard fight at all. Challenge 3/10Feral Druid - A tough fight, yous must capitalize on the brusque amounts of fourth dimension y'all tin can cast. Continue Cleansing upward to remove Infected Wounds slow, and conceptualize Whirlwind and Ground it. It's a good idea to popular Elemental Mastery early, every bit before long as yous take a decent gap you can bandage in, and then that the Feral volition go defensive. Thunderstorm Pounce, bad Feral will waste product Feral Charge to go back on y'all. Stoneclaw after the opener to eat some of his drain impairment, follow it up with Earthbind to root him. Flame Daze and Ghost Wolf away, try to get in a Lava Burst. Later on he shifts out of Earthbind, Frost Shock. The more GCD he'south wasting shifting out of slows, the better. Kite effectually Earthbind as much as possible, create gaps and burst in those short periods of fourth dimension. Lookout when he goes deport form, as he tin Feral Charge and interrupt your bandage, false cast this. Heal up when necessary, Purge his Barkskin, and Thunderstorm on CD to create gaps as much equally possible. Challenge 7/10Balance Druid - Who tin can blow who up first is an Ele/Balance duel. If they offset in stealth, try to Fire Nova them out. They will Pounce>Cyclone and commencement HoTing themselves, trinket this Whirlwind, drop totems and start bursting asap, the best mode to beat a boomkin is to be very aggressive. Wind Shear Wrath, Basis Starfire as he well-nigh likely will not cast it without Wrath of Elune proc, and Grounding will eat this. Earthbind Treants, Thunderstorm when he Starfall and Ghost Wolf in the opposite direction, if there'south enough room you can run from the entire Starfall. Heal up at this point as his DoTs have likely done a fair bit of damage, Purge his Barkskin/HoTs and keep playing aggressively. Challenge 5/10Unholy Deathknight - The anti-caster, and a prominent population of them. Get used to and good at fighting these guys. Cleansing is then unbelievably important here, it can cleanse their diseases before they have a risk to get up Unholy Blight and make them waste additional runes to reapply them. They will E'er open up with Chains of Ice, run up to you and Plague Strike to get their diseases rolling. Smack them with a Frost Shock and Ghost Wolf away until Chains has worn out. If they Death Grip you this early, /lol and Thunderstorm. Apply Flame Shock and set a Lava Burst but BE Set TO FAKE IT. Dks will wait til its coming at them and pop Anti Magic Shield and go a **** ton of RP to blow y'all upwardly with. Go on kiting with Frost Stupor/Earthbind/Thunderstorm until this guy is outta the manner, throw in some Chain Lightning or Lightning Bolts if he's existence stubborn most popping AMS. During AMS, Thunderstorm can still knock him back, so use this to your advantage. Kite and heal until AMS dissipates, apply Flame Daze and start bursting Hard. If you experience a Grip coming, anticipate information technology with Grounding. This is one of those reflexive skills that comes with feel, information technology volition exist difficult for a noobie to predict Grip, and so don't become discouraged if they manage to catch yous with information technology. They will typically Grip you if you proceeds a lot of distance and being casting something nasty. When Gargoyle is popped, without LoS you're going to be in a bad style. PRO TIP: You tin can put the Gargoyle on Focus and Focus Wind Shear it! Next LEVEL DUELING MANEUVERS. NEVER endeavour to kill the Gargoyle, its (almost) never worth information technology, unless for some reason its at very depression hp and a Lightning Bolt volition impale it. If you are facing a skilled DK that uses Lichborne to heal via Death Coil, heal yourself. Attacking him will feed him more RP to heal with. Save Hex when you need to heal or when he pops Icebound Fortitude, since bursting with that upward is futile. The improve yous kite, the harder it is for him to heal via Death Strike. Challenge eight/10Frost Mage - Frost Mages are, by far, the best dueling class in World of Warcraft, right next to Rogues. They will ever, e'er, always open with Polymorph. Start off by Purging until y'all get Ice Barrier, which may or may not happen, and can profoundly influence the way the duel plays out. At this critical phase, 1 of 2 things will happen; ane) Yous will go Water ice Barrier in the get-go 1-2 Purges, employ Flame Shock, and Lava Flare-up, using Grounding and Wind Shear (as well Thunderstorm if you're close) to stop the first ii Polys, putting you lot at an advantage or ii) You will get unlucky and just become trash buffs with Purge, and become Poly'd before you can dish out any impairment, putting you at a disadvantage. Afterwards the Poly, out comes the Water Elemental and a nasty Shatter combo. After the opener, Purge Ice Barrier if you oasis't yet, utilise Flame Shock and start upwards a Lava Outburst. Bad Mage will waste material Counterspell hither, apply this opportunity to run away and heal. Drop Grounding AS Soon AS you get frozen, because a Deep Freeze is next. If Grounding is on CD, drop Stoneclaw, coupled with Astral Shift should mitigate about of the damage. If you manage to Ground Deep Freeze, congratulations, keep pushing the attack, faking nature spells to get CS out of the way. You will periodically have to stop attacking and Purge their Water ice Bulwark, if you can Hex them to get a costless full dispel and some impairment off. NEVER trinket Poly UNLESS: The Mage is very low hp and is Evocating/Eating and y'all can score a kill within seconds of trinketting the Poly. The full general strategy is to continue Ice Bulwark Purged, faking CS and bursting when you lot can. Using LoS to heal is also a great help. Challenge nine/10 for skilled Frost Mages, 3/10 for bad ones (since Mage has very high skillcap)

Duel guide to exist continued...permit me know what you want to run across on this guide!


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