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Brown praises return to local control in State of the State

Gov. Jerry Brown in a printing briefing in 2015.

Gov. Jerry Brown pointed to significant increases in G-12 spending over the by iv years and the land's leadership in returning schools to local control during his annual Land of the State accost on January. 21, 2016 in which he emphasized the need for frugality and a continued attention to "how we pay for the commitments we have already made." (Get here for full text of the address.)

With educational activity a relatively small theme in his 20-minute oral communication, Brown called on legislators to straight their attention to repairing "our deteriorating infrastructure," taking farther action to face up the state's water shortage and paying for escalating costs and increased wellness-care coverage under the land'southward Medi-Cal programme. He has submitted proposals for all three issues.

In a department on education, Chocolate-brown credited a strong economy and the passage of temporary taxes nether Proposition 30 for a 51 percent overall increment in spending on public schools and community colleges over the terminal four years. Spending would ascension from post-recession low point of $47 billion to $72 billion in the proposed 2016-17 budget. Dark-brown has directed most of the money to the Local Control Funding Formula, which channels extra money to English learners and low-income children "to enable educators to overcome the barriers" that these children face, he said.

The funding police as well shifts power to local school boards to set priorities and make spending decisions. California has led the shift to local control and a school accountability system that de-emphasizes "overly intrusive, test-heavy country control," he said. "For the last two decades, in that location has been a national move to micromanage teachers from afar, through increasingly infinitesimal and prescriptive state and federal regulations. California successfully fought that movement."

In then-versus-now terms, Brown cited evidence of the state's fiscal turnaround from a $26 billion deficit, low credit rating and high unemployment when he took officeto a land budget surplus and depression unemployment. At the aforementioned time, he said, the state enacted a higher minimum wage, sharply expanded  Medi-Cal coverage for low-income families and built up a "solid" state rainy-day fund to protect against the side by side recession.

And he said a recession will return, which is why fiscal prudence, non new spending programs, is needed. "I don't want to make those mistakes once more," he said.

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